Author: Cameron Alexander

  • Genesis Chapter 3: Verse 1 – Did God Really Say?

    Genesis Chapter 3: Verse 1 – Did God Really Say?

    I wanted to do a more in-depth study on the interaction between the serpent’s actions we read about in the 3rd chapter of Genesis. We start in chapter 1. In the first two chapters of Genesis, we see the record of the Creation and the mandate to all of humanity to care for the whole…

  • Is The Messiah The End Or Goal Of The Torah?

    Is The Messiah The End Or Goal Of The Torah?

    Romans 10:4 (CJB)4 For the goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts. In concluding his explanation of why many of his fellow non-Messianic Jews failed to attain the righteousness they zealously sought. This evidence that they “have not submitted themselves to God’s way of making people righteous”…

  • Does Hebrews 9:1-10 Say The Entire Law Is Abolished?

    Does Hebrews 9:1-10 Say The Entire Law Is Abolished?

    Hebrews 9 (CJB) 9 1 Now the first covenant had both regulations for worship and a Holy Place here on earth. 2 A tent was set up, the outer one, which was called the Holy Place; in it were the menorah, the table and the Bread of the Presence. 3 Behind the second parokhet was a tent called…

  • Forgiveness Comes Through Yeshua

    Forgiveness Comes Through Yeshua

    John 20:20–23 (CJB)“20 Having greeted them, he showed them his hands and his side. The talmidim were overjoyed to see the Lord. 21 “Shalom aleikhem!” Yeshua repeated. “Just as the Father sent me, I myself am also sending you.” 22 Having said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Ruach HaKodesh! 23 If you forgive…

  • Redefining What God Has Defined

    Redefining What God Has Defined

    One of the biggest sins of our time is redefining what God has already defined. Notice how clear this is across a multitude of issues –  * Man and woman are no longer supposed to have definitions outside personal feelings of identity… (Redefining Genesis 1:27). * The family unit is any set of relationships we…

  • Romans 6

    Romans 6

    1.  United to Christ, or the logic of our baptism (6:1–14)  These verses are reiterating what was said in 3:5–8, and introduce the theme of chapters 6–8.  They are Sha’ul’s answer to all who accuse the New Covenant of offering “cheap grace.” He is more radical than those who merely exhort us to subdue our…

  • Godless, Lawless, Loveless

    Godless, Lawless, Loveless

    A Godless society is a lawless society, and a lawless society is a loveless society. Love will grow cold without law. Matthew 24:12 (CJB)“12 and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.” Without the law, we are left to chaos and destruction. There is no liberty without law. And without liberty,…

  • Torah and the Messiah

    Torah and the Messiah

    Matthew 5:17–20 (CJB) 17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah—not until everything…

  • Anti-Torah and the Messiah

    Anti-Torah and the Messiah

    Romans 6 (CJB) 6 So then, are we to say, “Let’s keep on sinning, so that there can be more grace”? 2 Heaven forbid! How can we, who have died to sin, still live in it? Sha’ul (Paul) identifies the human predicament of sin. He refers to sin sixty-four times in the New Covenant (testament), and three-fourths…

  • Kefa’s Vision

    Kefa’s Vision

    Acts 10:9–16 (CJB) 9 The next day about noon, while they were still on their way and approaching the city, Kefa went up onto the roof of the house to pray. 10 He began to feel hungry and wanted something to eat; but while they were preparing the meal, he fell into a trance 11…